How To Implement Google ReCAPTCHA V3 In Laravel Along With An Example Tutorial

Integrating Google reCAPTCHA v3 into a Laravel application can enhance its security by protecting against automated attacks while providing a seamless user experience. Below is a comprehensive guide on how to implement Google reCAPTCHA v3 in Laravel along with an example tutorial.

Step 1: Register Your Site with Google reCAPTCHA v3

  1. Go to the Google reCAPTCHA website and sign in with your Google account.
  2. Register your site/domain to obtain the necessary site and secret keys.

Step 2: Install Google reCAPTCHA Package

In your Laravel project directory, use Composer to install the google/recaptcha package:

composer require google/recaptcha

Step 3: Configure Laravel Environment

Add your reCAPTCHA site and secret keys to the .env file:


Step 4: Implement reCAPTCHA in Laravel Forms

  1. Add reCAPTCHA to Your Form: Insert the reCAPTCHA widget within your Laravel Blade template’s form:
<form action="/submit-form" method="post">
    <!-- Your other form fields -->
    <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="{{ env('RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY') }}"></div>
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>
  1. Verify reCAPTCHA Token: In your controller method handling form submission, validate the reCAPTCHA token received from the form:
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;

public function submitForm(Request $request)
    $token = $request->input('g-recaptcha-response');
    $client = new Client();
    $response = $client->post('', [
        'form_params' => [
            'secret' => env('RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY'),
            'response' => $token,

    $body = json_decode((string)$response->getBody());

    if ($body->success) {
        // reCAPTCHA validation passed, continue with form submission
    } else {
        // reCAPTCHA validation failed, handle accordingly

Step 5: Test and Verify

Test your form submission process to ensure reCAPTCHA validation is working correctly. Google reCAPTCHA v3 assigns a score to each request based on its perceived level of bot-like behavior, eliminating the need for interactive challenges.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate Google reCAPTCHA v3 into your Laravel application, enhancing its security posture while maintaining a smooth user experience.

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