How To Autocomplete Search From Database Example

Hello Geek, here’s an example of how you can implement an autocomplete search in Laravel 9 using a database. Autocomplete search is a popular feature in many applications that helps users find what they are looking for quickly and easily. Here is an example of how to implement autocomplete search from a database:

  1. Set up your database: Create a table in your database that will store the data that you want to search. For this example, let’s say we want to search for books, so we will create a table called “books” with columns for “id”, “title”, and “author”.
  2. Create a search input: In your application, create an input field where users can type in their search query. As the user types, you will need to send a request to your server to fetch matching results from the database.
  3. Send requests to the server: To fetch matching results, you can use AJAX to send a request to your server with the user’s search query. For example, if the user types “ha”, you can send a request to your server to fetch all books that have titles or authors that contain the string “ha”.
  4. Fetch matching results from the database: On the server-side, you will need to write a query to fetch all books that match the user’s search query. For example, if the user types “ha”, you can use the following SQL query to fetch all books with titles or authors that contain the string “ha”:
SELECT id, title, author FROM books WHERE title LIKE '%ha%' OR author LIKE '%ha%';

This will return a list of books that match the search query, along with their ID, title, and author.

5. Return the results to the client: Once you have fetched the matching results from the database, you can return them to the client as a JSON array. For example, you can return an array of objects, where each object represents a book and contains the book’s ID, title, and author.

6. Display the results to the user: Finally, you can display the matching results to the user in a dropdown list, where they can select the book they want to search for. You can use JavaScript to dynamically update the dropdown list as the user types.

That’s it! With these steps, you can implement autocomplete search from a database in your application.

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